We have great ambitions: to show the world you can be happier when you are in tune with the seasons while creating amazing memories and making the world a better place for future generations.

So let us take you on a magical adventure of a world where all plastic isn’t seen as evil and we know the season to eat sardines.

We know we aren’t perfect and don’t get everything right but we are honest! That is how we can all be the catalyst for change. Rise up and join us in Starting a Revolution from your Kitchen Table and get mouth watering recipes, magical event invites and seasonal news you won’t believe you lived without?
Give Food Waste the Boot: Our 5 Easy Hacks for Fruit and Veg Scraps

Talking about food waste can be pretty rotten. But let's not chuck the conversation too soon- luckily, the solution doesn’t have to be so glum! We’ve compiled 5 of our favourite culinary and creative uses for food scraps, to help your family give your food waste habit the sack.  So how big is the problem?  […]

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On the Catwalk: The Sexy Sprout Top Chorizo and Potato Soup

Straight from the farm to the catwalk is the sexy sprout top. Don't leave ...sprout haters - come back! This vibrant elegant purple-green leaved veg is a British winter wonder that tingle your taste buds. Don't believe us? Read on to find out more. This showstopping veg is loved by allotment goers for years but […]

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The Strawberry Tree: An Astonishing Seasonal Fruit You Never Knew Existed

Strutting its stuff on the catwalk this week is the Strawberry Tree.  This isn’t a magical tree that grows Strawberries in winter but it does grow edible fruit that ripens in November and December. There really is something for every season! For years I believed my Mama had made up the Strawberry Tree and that […]

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Kitchen Table Revolution this Christmas!

Maybe Christmas, the Grinch thought, doesn’t come from a store.” – Dr. Seuss Only £47 in total for for three months for you and a friend! Thats less than £2 a week!  "Probably the reason we all go so haywire at Christmas time with the endless unrestrained and often silly buying of gifts is that […]

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Stir It Up Sunday and The Christmas Pudding: A Pud So Good it was Made Illegal

The last Sunday before advent which falls on the 20th of November this year marks a festive tradition that’s almost as old as the big man in red. Generations of pudding-hungry Britons have been celebrating this event for centuries and for us, it’s a staple of the festive season that’s almost as important as the […]

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Bonkers for Conker Detergent: The Sustainable Soap that Grows on Trees

If we told you that soap grew on trees, you’d probably think we were crazy! Well, it may sound bonkers, but conkers are just that. Conker soap is a favourite of zero waste bloggers and forest foragers alike. It’s a great way to make use of an abundant natural resource and cut down the chemicals […]

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Champion Chestnuts: Forage and Roast Your Own With Our Quick and Easy Guide

Todays seasonal spotlight is one very close to my heart.  When I was a child, my parents had three huge chestnuts that towered over their garden. As soon as the shells ripened and fell, I would spend autumn weekends in the garden, collecting the nuts to roast on the fire.  I would use my wellies […]

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13 Fang-tastic Family Films your Little Monsters will love This Halloween

One of the main reasons Bangers and Balls have come up with the Halloween festival is to prize children away from their screens and spend some good, old fashioned, family time together.   We are creating bonds and memories that will last a lifetime, either out in nature or around the kitchen table.

That being said, we at Bangers and Balls don’t think that the screen is the root of all evil.  What we do believe is that story is what brings us all together, and story on screen is no exception.  The Magic of the Movies is something that can enchant and bewitch us all, young and old. Something that, when experienced together as a family, has the power to unite us in delight, fear, excitement and joy.

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10 Top Tips for a Spooktacularly Sustainable Halloween

Halloween is the second-largest holiday in the UK, with tens of millions of Brits donning a costume and getting spooky. For kids young and old, it can be a highlight of the year- who doesn’t love free sweets and fancy dress! But, as with any large scale celebration, there can be a cost. For the […]

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Barmbrack: Haunting Irish Halloween Traditions You've Never Heard Of

Few cakes come with credentials as astounding as Brambrak. It's a traditional Irish Cake with a sizeable claim to fame- one slice will reveal your future.

Come Halloween, a Barmbrack would be baked, sliced and served amongst family and friends in almost every Irish home. But unlike a simple sponge, this cake had a mystical twist. Buried within the fruit-filled cake hide a number of charms- the baker's tools of divination. To find one within your slice was to steal a glance into your future.

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