We have great ambitions: to show the world you can be happier when you are in tune with the seasons while creating amazing memories and making the world a better place for future generations.

So let us take you on a magical adventure of a world where all plastic isn’t seen as evil and we know the season to eat sardines.

We know we aren’t perfect and don’t get everything right but we are honest! That is how we can all be the catalyst for change. Rise up and join us in Starting a Revolution from your Kitchen Table and get mouth watering recipes, magical event invites and seasonal news you won’t believe you lived without?
Food: The Maker of Memories and a Foundation of Families

My fondest and earliest memories are the ones spent at my Grandma and Grandad’s house (known for years by me and my brother as “Grandma and Grandad with the chinchillas”, while my others were known as “Grandma and Grandad with the allotments”).

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The Coppicing Cure: Woodlands and Wellbeing

As we’ve been learning this week, nature is one of your biggest allies in getting yourself out of  a slump. Walking, forest bathing- even living near trees is enough to boost mood and lower stress. But unless you’re lucky enough to live in the Bahamas, the chances are you’re no stranger to the gloriously wet […]

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A Love Letter to Sustainability

As a conscientious child I was always concerned about the planet. I was the kid at school helping the bugs off the playground and turning off unused switches‘for the polar bears’ (I’m not sure now how much good it did, but I was trying). It’s hard to know when collecting bugs on leaves morphed into […]

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